About Us
Employees have the freedom to take charge of our mission and support our company to be the best it can be, in order to achieve our wider social goals for the communities we serve
David Osborne, Managing Director
Managing Director
David Osborne
Financial Controller
Joanne Naylor
Catalyst Way Director
Michelle Brammeier
Head of Services
Sarah Woodward
Head of Quality & Assurance
Alicia Bell
Head of Transformation
Mark Bygroves
Communities Manager
Nicola Prescott
Gorse Covert Service Lead
James Bradley
Newborough Service Lead
Laura Harper
Tenancies Service Lead
Debra Ackerely
Homes Manager
Sarah McDerra
Mosslands Service Lead
Zoe Williams
Linear Park Service Lead
Jen Mullin
Facilities Manager
Rick Barnsley
Business Manager
Fiona Mitchell
Learning & Development Manager
Michelle Malley